At Minuteman Press Uptown, we specialize in creating stunning print materials that resonate with your audience and leave a lasting impression.
Chad Larson * AM950
I was blown away by the knowledge and passion MP Uptown had to help me grow my business. Their design team took our vision and turned it into a beautiful, professional print marketing piece on time as promised.
Sina W.P. * Minnesota Farmers Market Association
Thank you to everyone for my brand new Sinaracha Sign! The line of people waiting to try my food made me feel some type of way y'all! ☺️
Michael Allen * My Very Own Bed
We value that MPUptown is a Black-owned business in a community where children receiving beds from us live and play. They provide excellent service & partner with us to grow our capacity to keep delivering dreams to kids.
Jeremy Randle * Minneapolis Police Department
The staff was very welcoming and made this process easy for us. I met with lead designer Diane Napper, who was outstanding and I am appreciative for her help.
Max Winebrenner-Palo * Take Action Minesota
Everything looks SO GOOD! We are so pleased. We can’t wait to display this work in the space - and credit your team as a sponsor!
Jennifer Ogren
When I was making a calendar, Frank and his team came to the rescue! I provided my theme and they took the whole task off my plate. Next thing I knew, the calendars were ready and I was receiving compliments!
W e h a v e 2 8 0 + 5 - S t a r R e v i e w s o n G o o g l e !
Look Good, Feel Good
Our digital presses produce stunning quality prints that makes you and your brand shine.
High Quality at High Speed
It's literally our first name. Minuteman Uptown is ready when you need it fast.
Service Focused On You
Save time and money. At Minuteman Press Uptown, We Print Everything!
A Printer On a Mission
As the state's only Black-owned union print shop, we're here to help you thrive.
High-quality products. Timely service. Competitive prices.
You can expect these and more when you partner with Minuteman Press Uptown.