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Business Builders

Minuteman Press Uptown's Business Builders: Blueprints for Success

Business Builders is your go-to resource, full of practical business strategies, operational insights, and management wisdom. We empower small businesses and nonprofits with knowledge and tools to help them thrive in the Twin Cities' dynamic landscape.

Business Builders covers crucial topics for organizational growth and effective leadership. We're here to help you enhance productivity and navigate growth.

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Customer personas, or buyer personas, have been buzzwords in the marketing sphere recently. We’re here to tell you all about these marketing tools and why you should be using them.

As a hiring manager, it’s your job to determine whether an interviewee is right for the job, the team and the company as a whole. We’ve compiled a list of important questions to ask candidates in a job interview. With these questions, you’ll be sure to get the answers you need to make an informed hiring decision.

Social media has quickly become one of the most important parts of a business’s digital marketing strategy. If you’re hesitant to break into this relatively new marketing opportunity, check out this list.

There are plenty of ways to market your business at state and county fairs, and we’re going to tell you how.

If you’re looking for a way to cut through the noise of digital media, consider focusing your efforts on print marketing.

Backlinks occur whenever one website mentions a different website and links to it, and they’re vital to an effective SEO strategy.

With the Fourth of July coming up this week, it’s important to consider ways in which you might try to maximize your marketing efforts.

Brand voice is the emotion and personality that go into a brand’s communications. It should be found in everything your brand produces, from the language it uses to the images in its marketing assets.

There are many ways companies can cultivate a positive work culture to keep their employees happy and motivated to leave positive reviews. Here are just a few ideas to get you started.

If you don’t have your perfect marketing scheme in place yet, don’t worry. We’ve put together a few Father’s Day marketing ideas that are worth trying.

Fortunately, there are some foolproof sales tips every business professional should know. Check out these seven sales suggestions for small businesses.

How do you decide which person to bring on the team? Fortunately, there are a few tips to keep in mind. Here’s how to find the right candidate for a job.

We put together a quick list of our favorite summer marketing ideas to help you get ready for the hot sales season coming up. Here’s how to prepare for summer marketing.

The business card is an important tool that’s useful for companies and individuals alike. But just how powerful is the business card? Let’s find out.

Your brand has a purpose, and telling that story is a valuable content marketing tactic. How can you use storytelling to grow? Today, we’re going to learn how.

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