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The Power of Print

Minuteman Press Uptown's Power of Print: Amplifying Your Message

Power of Print is your essential resource, showcasing best practices and new trends in getting the most out of your print media. This blog is part of our mission to empower local organizations with knowledge and tools to help them thrive in the Twin Cities.

Power of Print covers crucial topics for effective print marketing, personalized direct mail, signage, and more. We're here to help you maximize your print strategy's impact and seamlessly integrate it with your digital efforts.

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The Tangible Impact: Why Print Still Matters in a Digital World

woman looking at a brochure

About the Author

In an era dominated by digital media, it can be easy to overlook print. However, data and research continue to demonstrate that print remains a crucial component of effective communication and marketing strategies. 

Let's explore why print still matters in our digital world and how it can provide a tangible impact for your business.


The Enduring Power of Print

Despite the digital revolution, print offers unique advantages:

  1. Credibility
    Print is often perceived as more trustworthy than digital content. A 2017 study by MarketingSherpa revealed that 82% of consumers trust print ads when making a purchase decision, compared to 61% for search engine ads.
  2. Longevity
    Physical items tend to stick around longer than fleeting digital messages. The Direct Marketing Association reports that 48% of consumers retain direct mail for future reference.
  3. Tangibility
    Physical materials engage multiple senses, creating a more memorable experience. A study by Canada Post found that direct mail requires 21% less cognitive effort to process than digital media.
  4. Focus
    Print materials allow for distraction-free engagement. The average person spends 43 minutes reading a magazine, compared to just 2 minutes on a website.
  5. Emotional Connection
    The tactile nature of print can evoke stronger emotional responses. A study by Temple University found that physical ads activated the ventral striatum (associated with desire and valuation) more than digital ads.


Print vs. Digital: A Complementary Relationship

Rather than competing, print and digital media work well together:

  1. Integrated Marketing Campaigns
    Campaigns using both print and digital channels see a 118% lift in response rate compared to using digital alone, according to Infotrends.
  2. QR Codes and Augmented Reality
    QR code usage increased by 94% from 2018 to 2020, bridging print and digital experiences. Our Twin Cities clients are increasingly using QR Codes on brochures, business cards, and at events, to leverage their print and digital efforts.
  3. Personalization
    Personalized print pieces see a 135% increase in response rates compared to generic pieces, according to InfoTrends. Personalized printing is only available with digital printing presses, which is why Minuteman Press Uptown is a 100% digital print shop.
  4. Reinforcement
    Studies show that integrating print and digital advertising can increase brand recall by 40% compared to single-channel campaigns.


Types of Print Materials That Pack a Punch

Certain print materials continue to be highly effective:

  1. Business Cards
    88% of business cards handed out will be kept for more than a week, according to Adobe.
  2. Brochures and Catalogs
    45% of consumers find print catalogs to be less intrusive than internet ads, according to a USPS study.
  3. Direct Mail
    The average response rate for direct mail is 9%, compared to 1% for email, according to the Data & Marketing Association.
  4. Packaging
    72% of American consumers say their purchasing decision is influenced by the packaging design, according to a Paper and Packaging Board report.
  5. Signage and Posters
    Studies show that businesses report an average sales increase of 3-5% after adding or improving signage.


The Neuroscience of Print

Research supports the effectiveness of print:

  1. Improved Comprehension
    Readers of print absorb 21% more information than those reading digitally, according to a Norwegian study.
  2. Less Cognitive Effort
    Reading on paper is 25% faster than reading on a screen, according to a University of California study.
  3. Emotional Processing
    Neurological research shows that paper-based content results in deeper emotional processing and memory formation compared to digital.
  4. Digital Fatigue
    59% of consumers say they enjoy getting postal mail from brands about new products, according to USPS research.


Print's Role in Different Industries

Print remains vital across various sectors:

  1. Retail
    62% of consumers who engaged with direct mail made a purchase within three months, according to the Data & Marketing Association.
  2. Healthcare
    75% of patients prefer to receive medical information in both print and digital formats, according to a Xerox survey.
  3. Education
    A study by American University found that 92% of college students prefer reading print materials for academic purposes. The Minneapolis and Saint Paul metro area has one of the highest concentrations of college-educated adults in the nation.
  4. Real Estate
    56% of customers found print marketing materials useful in their home search, according to the National Association of Realtors.


Environmental Considerations

Modern printing often is sustainable:

  1. Recycled Papers
    Using recycled paper reduces energy consumption by 31% and greenhouse gas emissions by 37% compared to virgin paper.
  2. Sustainable Inks
    Vegetable-based inks can reduce volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions by up to 80% compared to petroleum-based inks. At Minuteman Press Uptown, 100% of our inks are soy-based.
  3. On-Demand Printing
    Digital printing can reduce waste by up to 30% compared to traditional offset printing, one reason why we only use Digital presses at MP Uptown.


Maximizing the Impact of Print

To leverage print effectively:

  1. Know Your Audience
    92% of young shoppers say they prefer direct mail for making purchasing decisions, according to USPS research.
  2. Focus on Quality
    A study by Sappi found that 67% of consumers agree that the quality of print reflects the quality of service.
  3. Personalize
    Personalized color print pieces increase response rates by 135% compared to non-personalized pieces, according to InfoTrends.


The Future of Print

Print continues to evolve:

  1. Interactive Print
    The market for interactive print is expected to grow on average 13.5% per year from 2021 to 2026.
  2. 3D Printing
    The global 3D printing market is projected to reach $63.46 billion by 2028, growing at an annual rate of 29%.
  3. Sustainable Innovations
    The market for sustainable printing is expected to reach $1.37 billion by 2027, growing at 5.3% per year. Minuteman Press Uptown is FSC-certified, and we can quickly and easily meet the needs of customers requesting sustainable printing.



In our digital-dominated world, print materials provide a physical and tactile experience that stands out from the constant stream of digital information. This tangibility can help make a stronger, more lasting impression on your audience. Study after study show that print remains a powerful tool for engagement, comprehension, and driving business results. By leveraging the tangible impact of print alongside digital efforts, businesses can create more compelling, memorable, and effective communications that resonate with audiences.

At Minuteman Press Uptown, we're committed to helping businesses harness the power of print in the digital age. Whether it's through personalized direct mail, high-quality brochures, or innovative integrated campaigns, we can help you create print materials that complement your digital strategies and help your business stand out.

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