Stella's Legacy

Stella’s Legacy


Since the beginning of our business, Stella has been our greeter for our customers. 

She was a lover of people and accepted by everyone. 

She was good natured and did so much to promote the company.

She wore sunglasses, costumes bandannas, just to name a few.


Stella was the face of Minuteman Press Uptown, promoting our print shop services

Having Stella in the shop brought a sense of peace and joy to the staff.

The delivery people loved her and couldn’t wait to give her a few pets and a treat.

Everyone knew her, or of her, in our business network.

She brought a smile to everyone’s face.


We will miss her deeply and there is a void in the shop and in our hearts.

We commend your spirit to our Lord and her creator.


Stella lifted the spirits of all employees, including Frank Brown, founder and steward of Minuteman Press Uptown


Stella D’Oro (Star of Gold)

God entrusted you to us for a measure of time, in accordance to Pslam 145:9.

To you Oh Lord we give her to your embrace

Deeply grateful for that gift of grace.

Our best friend, companion and a soother of our souls

Keep on blooming our Stella D ORO.
5/2012 - 5/2024

Our customers and our team members continue to miss Stella